87 years ago, the Founding Fathers created a brand new country here based on the idea that everyone is equal. Now, we are at war with ourselves, and this war is testing whether that kind of country can survive. A battle of this war was fought right here where we are standing. We are here today to dedicate a part of this battlefield as a cemetery for the soldiers that died here. This is the right thing to do. There is no way that we can ever bless this ground today more than the soldiers that died here already have. We can’t even come close. No one is going to care or remember the words we say here, but no one can ever forget what those soldiers did here. It’s up to the rest of us that are still alive to dedicate ourselves to finishing what these soldiers have started. It’s up to us to dedicate ourselves to saving the country, and remind ourselves that people have died for this cause. We have to promise that the soldiers here did not die for nothing. We have to promise that this country, under God, will be free again. We have to promise that a country that is made up of the people, was created by the people, and made to serve the people can exist in this world.
Thanks I really understood it!
same thxx so much
I like your name, I am a ninth grader too
well would you look at that
well well there can only be one true 9th grader… only one way to choose who will survive
ooooooo dont forget mee
very good translation
Yup it helped me on my assignment.
really connecting and helpful also great translation. <3 100%.
Thank you this really simplifies the Gettysburg adress
Thanks, I totally needed this for my Social Studies 😀 010 THX besd 33#
This is great I truly did understand it!!<3
I feel like this is a lot easier to understand and opened understanding to what Lincoln had to say.
i love this, thank you so much, you are making a difference and what you just did here matters
thx dude this helped out soooo much… 4 my homework 🙂 thx tho
oh and btw the translation was awesome 😀
This helped me understand it a whole lot better. It also helped me on my homework
Thank you so much this helped me finish my homework. All I had to do was just copy it onto a piece of notebook paper. I made sure I didn’t copyright it and at the end I put (www.FlawlessWalrus.com)
it was very good i loved it
good job this helped me with my school work
Tnx i really understood
so helpful! i actually understand it now!
This is very good and it makes it easier to understand!
Funny at 52 years old I don’t ever
Remember ready The Gettysburg Address and today I read it and it brought tears to my eyes. I absolutely loved it and understand its meaning. Wow I’m proud to be part of such a wonderful country
this helped a lot
ty 🙂
its reelly well writen
This is helpful but a neat website name lol.
This was SO helpful. Not only did I use this for a worksheet where I had to interpret the Gettysburg Address line by line, but this really worked in helping me understand it!!
this really helped me understand it.
Thanks, this was really helpful for my history class project.
This was so helpful!!!
Very good
Holy moly!
thats crazy
Good translation 100% 🙂
very cool
W translation
Nice job
w Lincoln for making this beautiful speech